Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Ajahn Brahm on Osama Bin Laden's Death

Osama Bin Laden (March 10, 1957 – May 2, 2011)

Attended a talk by Ajahn Brahm last evening. One audience asked Ajahn on his view on Osama Bin Laden's death, and how we (as Buddhists) should look at it. Definitely, we could not agree with Osama's terrorism and his behavior is not Islamic. It is extremism. A True Muslim is peace loving and kind. 

Then, Ajahn Brahm reminded us that even Osama has Buddha-Nature (The intrinsic, immortal potential for reaching enlightenment). Unfortunately, Osama believed in radical ideas and lost touch with the inner self.

Ajahn encouraged us not to focus on religious text, but look into ourselves. What really makes sense deep inside our heart? I strongly believe that if Osama had spent enough time looking deep inside himself, he would discover his own intrinsic nature. He would have more compassion and love for all beings (including his enemies). He would realize that we are all the Same. Then, why do we need to inflict pain and suffering onto others?


Anonymous said...

Lovve Ajahn Brahm but he is wrong on this one...

Rocket said...

Love Ajahn Brahm, despite myself. And, despite myself, he is RIGHT on this one...