(7 July 1898 – 7 December 2011)
Aged 113 years old
Despite her near-celebrity status for her tireless work in caring for the less privileged, Ms Teresa Hsu had shunned the public eye - up until her death last week.
Ms Hsu died last Wednesday at the age of 113 - she was Singapore's oldest living person - but news of her death only emerged this week in a posting on the website of Heart to Heart Service, a charity which Ms Hsu had set up.
"In accordance with her wish to depart quietly and peacefully, and her instructions not to make any announcement to the media, as well as not to conduct or perform any rituals or ceremonies that will cause disturbance and inconvenience to others, she was cremated on the same day," said the statement by Mr Sharana Rao, a colleague at Heart to Heart.
"She has further instructed that no claim be made of her ash by whosoever."
Teresa's mother said
"We ate yesterday.
They haven't eaten for two days.
They have more right to the food."
After eating grass to satisfy her thought of hunger, Teresa said to herself
"As long as I'm able to
let nobody need to eat grass."
"I will still share my rice bowl.
My bowl of rice with you.
This is now my life.
to share what I have with those who are hungrier than I.
Even equally hungry,
we share half a bowl."
"In life there are always problems.
You solve your problems to the best you can
and you accept the rest."
I remember watching her (100+ years old) on a TV programme where she was still helping people 20-30 years younger than her. I was really amazed by her energy and passion. She really walks the talk. I read that she became a nurse at the age of 47 years old, even the school only accept people below 25 years old. I am glad she persisted.
It is really amazing that she was still thoughtful and humble by requesting for a simple funeral.
She lived a simple & humble lifestyle - Meditation, Yoga, Vegetarianism.
Amazing Lady.
Amazing Life.
Thank you for making this world a better place.
Thank you for inspiring everyone of us.
Thank you for being a role model.
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